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Please check back, events updated frequently

Story Share
with CU Playback Theatre Ensemble


May 16, 6:00 pm
at the Stolte Shed

There are many ways to tell a story, and just as many ways to interpret it. This program demonstrates how one story can be reimagined by an artist,  a fiction writer, a video editor, and by the CU Playback Theater improv group. FUN!

Sponsored by Delta County Libraries and the

Cedaredge Women's Literary Club.


Buried History
Stories from Eckert

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Every Stone Tells a Story

This annual SCVHS event has a new venue! Much of our local history has roots in Eckert including the Johnsons, the Fergusons, the Foggs, the Hunsickers, the Velas and more. Please join us as we recreate the lives (and deaths) of these early pioneers.

May 25, 4-5 pm
at the Eckert Cemetery

Admission $5-10

Pioneer Town Talks

Our Ancestors Journey
to America


with CMU Professor
Pamela Krch

One thing we all have in common is that our ancestors traveled from somewhere else to get here. There is much to learn and discover in this talk. 

Why? Where? When? How?

June 13, 6 pm
at the Stolte Shed

Non-member Admission $5

Starry Night
on Grand Mesa


with BCAS

There is something very special about our night skies and, with the help of the Black Canyon Astronomical Society and their telescopes, attendees at this event will be truly dazzled with a closeup of the Milky Way and a guided tour of the galaxy and beyond. Photo: Joyce Tanihara.

June 29, 8-11 pm
Grand Mesa

Donation Suggested

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